Thursday 2 August 2012

"Everywhere I go I be followed by six hoes"

"Everywhere I go I be followed by six hoes"- Chris Brown, 'Don't Lie'

If an ordinary man, let's call him John Smith, savagely beat a woman and was convicted in court of the offence, his criminal record would be tarred forever. If, in future, he applied for a job, our John Smith would frankly not be given a chance. The large majority of employers wouldn't give his job application a second glance if he had a criminal record- particularly considering the offence.

Yet Chris Brown enjoys a net worth of over $24 million ( and is topping the charts. As I have previously written, immediately after the crime was commited, Brown was publicly abhorred and many radio stations refused to play his music. However the only things that have changed since then is; time has passed, and Chris Brown has done some token community service.

In the media the entire affair is treated like a standard 'choose your celeb' Hollywood feud. Remember when Brad and Jennifer split? Did you pick a side? Brennifer or Brangelina? Well, this isn't like that. Rihanna was a victim of domestic abuse and Chris Brown commited a legal and moral crime. As far as separating the man from the music- this just isn't possible, particularly in a music genre which is based solely on image rather than musical capability. The man is the music. George Osborne is his policies, Joey Barton is his football, Chris Brown is his music. Artists the likes of Marilyn Manson are unjustifiably heckled for being bad role models, whilst Brown is hailed. Chris Brown sets a good example to neither boys or girls. Boys learn that beating a woman doesn't prevent you from being surrounded by them and from making millions singing about how well you treat them. Girls learn that men who abuse women still deserve to have their music danced to and receive sexual favours.

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