Friday 6 July 2012

A View Through Distorted Glasses

Robyn 'Rihanna' Fenty
The world of celebrity gossip is bursting with insensitive remarks about singers,WAGs and actors etc, particularly women. They've made a fashion 'faux-pas'. They're put on weight. They've lost weight. They've had a divorce. They've walked down the street. In some cases it's possible to think that speculation and media comment is the price one pays for being in the public eye, and certainly with the likes of Kerry Katona who is essentially a character, even bad publicity is good publicity because it reminds all of her existence. However, this is surely not an excuse to create extravagantly false and sometimes malicious tales about these individuals. The celebrity media, definitely out of touch with humanity, clutches at the straws of potential scandals. As they desperately dissect a celebrity's tweet, get specialists to intensely study a celebrity couple's body language, they manage to gather enough speculation to write an article.  

However, recent 'concerns' about Rihanna and her apparent love triangle with singer Chris Brown and rapper Drake delve into the absurd. In 2009, Rihanna was assaulted by her then boyfriend, Chris Brown, the night before the Grammys. The police report found that she had had her head smashed against the car door, her body and face punched, her fingers and left ear bitten and pressure applied to her carotid arteries until she began to lose consciousness. The case went to court and Brown was found guilty of the charges brought against him. He served 6 months community service and was sentenced to 5 years probation. Most radio stations refused to play his music, he was publicly abhorred by artists Jay-Z and Kanye West, and Rihanna took time off before returning to her career. Throughout the whole episode Rihanna gave one interview to American show 'Good Morning America', explaining why she temporarily returned to Brown a few weeks after the incident. However, this is all old news. More recently, what has shocked me personally is the public condemnation of Rihanna and praise of Brown.
Chris Brown's 2012 album is expected to reach No. 1 in the album charts
The criticism Rihanna received for meeting with Brown weeks after the attack was greater than that which Brown received for brutally attacking her. What Chris Brown did was a crime, Rihanna commited no crime and yet has since been under far more scrutiny by the media than Chris Brown. At this moment in time, both are successful in their music careers, yet Rihanna is apparently desperately making efforts towards a reconciliation. Rihanna was blamed for setting a bad example to girls in abusive relationships, yet Chris Brown was not similarly accused of setting a violent example to boys who listened to his music. Perhaps it is because Rihanna has since not pandered to the public by playing the victim or the pure virgin. Her image hardened after the attack and became more provocative, whilst Chris Brown plays a far safer game.

Their lyrics compare:

RIHANNA (Roc Me Out)
It's gonna different tonight
The best time in your life
I just want you to know, baby
Take a peek at the girl I hide
I'll let you in on a dirty secret
I just wanna be loved

How deep do you want me to go?  
Do you want me to speed it up, speed it up or go slow?  
Start from the bed, now we out here on the floor,  
Girl you're really in for a treat now, 
but don't fall in love cuz,

Disapproval rains down on Rihanna when she releases a song, yet Chris Brown merely eats his cake, demonstrating the glaring differences between men and women in the music industry. Is there really much difference in their lyrics? Is it because Rihanna's provocative lyrics come from a woman's mouth? Whilst the likes of Flo Rida can have half naked women draped over them in videos (a huge boost to his ego no doubt), Rihanna is criticised for performing in more than that. Notably, her 2010 X Factor performance.

The pairs' recent collaborations on Rihanna's 'Birthday Cake' and Brown's 'Turn up the Music' brought on a new wave of criticism for Rihanna. Yet, why should Rihanna hold back her music career for the sake of being a victim. Why should Rihanna be expected to bear a grudge against Chris Brown for the crime he commited when all others, seemingly, do not.

1 comment:

  1. Had some formatting issues with this one... they're not really resolved but oh well
